
prelude | Jesu, Our Joy, We Adore Thee arranged by Jay Rouse | tim vannasdale

Opening sentences from psalm 103:19-22 | Paul Tufts 

Hymn 49 | The God of Abraham Praise | Leoni | The Congregation of FPCH

call to & prayer of confession | Paul tufts & Pastor Elvery

words of Assurance | pastor elvery

moments with the children | pastor Elvery

Prayer of illumination | Sylvia Tufts


Genesis 18:1-15 |  common english bible (CEB) | Isaac’s birth announced | pastor elvery

Matthew 9:35-10:8 |  common english bible (CEB) | Compassion | sylvia Tufts

sermon | chuckles | Pastor elvery

hymn 686 | God of Our Life | SANDON | congregation of First Presbyterian Church of homewood 

litany | In a time of civic unrest | Sylvia & Paul tufts


If you are so moved to give a monetary offering please send your contribution to:
First Presbyterian Church of Homewood
P O Box 1519
Homewood IL 60430

Prayer of Dedication | Ed Wahl

hymn 372 | O for a World | AZMON | congregation of First Presbyterian Church of Homewood

we go to our places of ministry

closing prayer and blessing | sylvia & paul tufts

postlude |  Toccata in E Minor by Johann Pachelbel | tim vannasdale  

see what's next : be safe and join us again next week 

Pastor Jane Tuma will be our Visiting Pastor for our Virtual Services on June 21 and June 28.
Scripture readings for June 21 are: Genesis 21:8-21 and Psalm 86: 1-10, 16-17 

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