Forest and Trees

JUly 12 2020

Prelude and Toccata on "Old Hundredth" by Austin C. Lovelace | tim vannasdale

Call to Worship based on psalm 103:1-6 | ed & jan wahl

Hymn 385 |  All People That on Earth Do Dwell |  Congregation

Prayer of Confession | pastor dudley & janet wahl

Words of Assurance | pastor elvery

Moments with our Children | pastor elvery


Prayer of Illumination | ed wahl

Old Testament | Genesis 25:19-34 (CEB) | pastor elvery

New Testament | Matthew 13:1-23  Common English Bible (CEB) | ed wahl

Sermon | Forest and Trees | pastor elvery

Hymn 451 | Open My Eyes, That I May See | Congregation

Litany in Response to a Plague | Ed & janet wahl


If you are so moved to give a monetary offering please send your contribution to:

First Presbyterian Church of Homewood
P O Box 1519
Homewood IL 60430 

We Go to our places of ministry

Hymn 408  | There's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit | congregation

Closing prayer and Blessing | Janet Wahl

Postlude | tim vannasdale | Prelude in F | J.S. Bach

Readings for next week: Genesis 28:10-19 and Matthew 13:24-43

Note from Kathie Hazlett re Heavenly Perks: This is our 17th Virtual Worship Service. That's 17 weeks since we have been able to "touch" one another, 17 weeks since we've "Passed the Peace" in our physical building . In some ways it seems like a long time .... in other ways, not so much. The reason is we are still touching each other.  In some aspects, in an even more intentional way.  Every Sunday morning, as we virtually worship together, we remember. One by one over the weeks we've been able to hear each other, and sometimes see each other .. but as always, in our hearts, and minds if not with our eyes.  We still suppport each other in prayer, sometimes without knowing needs, other times hearing of specific needs.  And you do it.  And God answers. Thank you for being the church, thank you for being God's people, thank you for living your faith, thank you for being you. Let us continue.  This Service is over, it's time for Heavenly Perks. If you have been a physical part of our fellowship, you know what to do. Do it.  If you are visiting and have no idea what we are talking about  -- our "Heavenly Perks" after-church experience -- just call someone you know and share your day with them. That's it! Be encouraged, or let them encourage you. That's how we do it.  And ... we'll see you next week, July 19th 10:30 a.m. at our 18th virtual service. kph :-) 
Update: Saturday Evening: If you have been to Heavenly Perks, this will be very familiar. thanks, Phil

Heavenly Perks Cartoon | Phil Dillman 




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