Mayday! Mayday

Prelude | tim vannasdale | Find Us Faithful by Jon Mohr [00:10-3:05]

Opening Sentences From psalm 103:19-22 | Laurie Ulrich & kathie darman [3:09-3:48]

Hymn 307 | God of Grace, God of Glory | CWM RHONDDA | congregation [3:56-7:02]

Prayer of Confession | Pastor Elvery | Kathie Darman | [7:02-8:37]

Words of Assurance | Pastor Elvery |  [8:40-9:16]

Moment with our Children | Pastor elvery |  [9:24-11:33]

Prayer of Illumination | kathie hazlett |  [11:40-12:03]

Old Testament | Genesis 37:1-4, 12-25 | laurie ulrich |  [12:07-15:02]

New Testament | Matthew 14:22-33 | Pastor Elvery | [15:06-17:07]

Sermon: Mayday! Mayday | pastor Elvery  [17:09-23:27]

Hymn 8 | tim vannasdale | Eternal Father, Strong to Save  | MELITA | congregation | [23:34-26:04] 

Litany in a Time of Civic Unrest | Kathie darman & Laurie Ulrich | [26:09-28:26]

Offering | doxology | prayer of dedication | Congregation | [28:29-29:53]

If you are so moved to give a monetary offering please send your contribution to:

First Presbyterian Church of Homewood
P O Box 1519
Homewood IL 60430

We Go to our Places of Ministry

Hymn 305 | tim vannasdale | Come Sing, O Church, in Joy! | DARWALL'S 148TH | congregation | [29:56- 32:19]

Homework | [32:23 - 33:39 ]

Closing prayer and Blessing | [ 33:41-35:56 ]

Postlude| tim vannasdale | by Basse et Dessus de Trompette by Louis-Nicolas Clérambault [35:58-38:19 ]

scribbles | phil dillman

Scribbles Phil dillmanSmaller 1boat 1

more opportunities to connect with first pres

  1. For the next three Sundays, Rev. Jane Tuma will be our preacher while Rev. Elvery is on leave.

  2. We have a Zoom Bible Study at 10:30 on Tuesday mornings and a Zoom adult education class on Wednesday evenings. If you have questions about and/or would like to join in either one, please contact Laurie Ulrich

  3. Please take a moment to record your attendance today by filling out the Guest Book at the end of this page.

  4. We usually have a time after worship to visit with each other at "Heavenly Perks". Why not call a friend after worship today and share some visiting time on the phone?

  5. If you would be willing to participate as a reader in an upcoming virtual Sunday worship please let Laurie Ulrich know so we can get you all lined up.

  6. Feel free to invite your friends or family to join us on this Virtual service. Just forward them the email that Shirley sends out on Saturday.) 

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