
Rev. Matt Lang, Pastor
We welcomed Rev. Matt Lang in 2022 as our Called Pastor. God has surely brought us together! It’s the beginning of a new chapter in ministry for First Presbyterian Church of Homewood, and we’re excited to see how God will lead us together into the future. A formal Installation Service was held. Welcome, Rev. Lang. We pray God’s blessings on you, your ministry and our future together!
If you haven't yet visited us at First Presbyterian of Homewood, please let us introduce you to our Pastor Matt Lang with a recent interview discussion with member Kathleen O'Hanlon. Just click on the image below.

Debra Campbell, Secretary
Debra Campbell serves as church secretary in providing administrative assistance to the Pastor, Director of Music, and the full ministry of the church. Debra is a resident of Chicago; she and her family have been members of Valley Kingdom Ministries International of Oak Forest for over 20 years. Debra is involved in the Homeless Ministry at her church. She is divorced and has two grown children. She also enjoys line-dancing, swimming, bowling, reading, and child care and four grand kids.

Mary Ann Wenzelman
Music Director / Organist
When she was ten years old, her dad bought her a little blue hymnal to play hymns on their home organ. She was “hooked” on hymns and church music from that point on. When she was fifteen years old, she became their church organist. Since then, she has played the organ and piano in many different churches as well as in many different denominations. After college, marriage and four children, she decided to teach piano and theory in her home. After teaching for nearly 40 years, her former students and their many piano recitals bring back lots of treasured memories. She also works for the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District. Mary Ann is the Music Director/Organist at Calvary United Protestant Church and she says it is a delight and an honor to be with the First Presbyterian Church of Homewood Family.

Paul Gerrish, Custodian
Our Custodian, Paul Gerrish, has been a member of the church for forty years. Having been on many ministry teams as a Deacon, a Trustee and a Session member, Paul knows and cares about the church property.